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COUGARS having Fun!

ACSM 2017 Conference

ACSM 2017 Conference

Cougars with Dr. Theodore J. Angelopoulos, or Ted, Professor and Director of Research School of Health Sciences, Director Obesity Research Centre, Emory & Henry College, Virginia (from left to right, Peggy, Ted, Bala & Cheo)

ACSM Conference 2017

ACSM Conference 2017

Cougars having another catch-up session with Ted! (from left to right: Cheo, Peggy, Dr. Ted & Dr. Bala)

ACSM Conference 2017

ACSM Conference 2017

Cougars with Dr. J. Larry Durstine, former American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) President, distinguished Professor, Co-Director, Preventative Exercise Program, University of South Carolina (from left right: Dr. Durstine, Peggy and Dr. Bala).

ACSM Conference 2017

ACSM Conference 2017

Cougars with Dr. J. Larry Durstine, former American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) President, distinguished Professor, Co-Director, Preventative Exercise Program, University of South Carolina (from left right: Dr. Durstine, Cheo and Dr. Bala).

ACSM Conference 2017

ACSM Conference 2017

Dr. Bala with Dr. Robertson, authors of the OMNI RPE Scale landmark paper. Its validation had also been done in Singapore and is for worldwide use to measure intensity during exercise.

ACSM Conference 2017

ACSM Conference 2017

Dr. Bala with Dr. Sergio, former 10000m runner from Brazil.

ACSM Conference 2017

ACSM Conference 2017

Cougars meeting Michael Phelps at the United States. This was the closest we got!

ACSM Conference 2017

ACSM Conference 2017

Cougars with the founder of the OMNI RPE Scale, Dr. RJ Robertson. Such an honour to have met him! (from left to right: Peggy, Cheo, Dr. Robertson, Dr. Bala and Jolene).

ACSM Conference 2017

ACSM Conference 2017

Cougars at our poster presentations (from left to right: Cheo, Jolene, Dr. Bala and Peggy)

ACSM Conference 2017

ACSM Conference 2017

Cougars having breakfast before the start of the conference (from left to right: Peggy and Cheo).

Our Guest Visitor - Prof Ted from US

Our Guest Visitor - Prof Ted from US

We had the extreme pleasure of having Prof Ted from United States, dropping by Singapore for a short period of time. Glad to have spent some time catching up with the sun shining ever so bright!

Get-together Dinner

Get-together Dinner

Runners coming together. From left to right: Cheo, Suntha, Chea Nuan, Hema, Peggy, Kirti, Dr. Bala (SAA Vice-President Training & Selection, Cougars' President, former national runner), Pirakas, Saranniya, Dr. Tan Ming Jen (former national runner), Mariviv, Coach Rameshon (FlexiFitness, former national runner), Jolene & Ganison

Get-together Dinner

Get-together Dinner

From left to right: Suntha, Hema, Hosni (former national runner), Kirti, Dr. Bala (former national runner), Jolene, Cheo, Chea Nuan & Peggy

Get-together Dinner

Get-together Dinner

Singapore's Top Runners. From left to right: Coach Rameshon (FlexiFitness, former national runner), Kumaravelu (former national runner), Dr. Bala (Cougars' President, former national runner)

Get-together Dinner

Get-together Dinner

Running brings people together. From left to right: Coach Rameshon (FlexiFitness, former national runner), Kumaravelu (former national runner), Dr. Bala (Cougars' President, former national runner)

Get-together Dinner

Get-together Dinner

Tough guys. From left to right: Suntha, Hema, Kirti, Coach Rameshon (FlexiFitness, former national runner), Pirakas (Swift Hon. Secretary), Sunny Tan (Swift), Dr. Bala (Cougars' President, former national runner)

Get-together Dinner

Get-together Dinner

Passion is always there. From left to right: Dr. Bala (SAA Vice-President Training & Selection, Cougars' President, former national runner), Dr. Tan Ming Jen (former national runner) & Coach Rameshon (FlexiFitness, former national runner)

Grand Opening @Phiten Singapore

Grand Opening @Phiten Singapore

Dr. Bala with Joseph Schooling's parents, Colin and May Schooling at our sponsor, Phiten Singapore's Grand Opening @Marina Square

Grand Opening @Phiten Singapore

Grand Opening @Phiten Singapore

Grand flowers for grand opening for our sponsor, Phiten Singapore. Cougars from left to right: Kirti, Cheo, Dr. Bala, Jolene & Chea Nuan. Photo courtesy of Phiten, Singapore.

Grand Opening @Phiten Singapore

Grand Opening @Phiten Singapore

Phiten's supporters from Singapore Swimming Association Team and Cougars Athletic Association. From left to right: Singapore Swimming Association Team, Kirti, Dr. Bala, Colin Schooling, May Schooling, Jolene, Chea Nuan & Cheo

Cougars with Phiten, Singapore

Cougars with Phiten, Singapore

Cougars with our sponsor and supporter - Phiten, Singapore Business Development Manager, Mr. Derek Yip. From left to right: Chea Nuan, Derek, Dr Bala & Jolene.

Kids World Fair

Kids World Fair

Cougars with our supporter and sponsor, Bat Creations, at the Kids World Fair during the sale of an innovative game for kids called 'Genius Mathematics'. From left to right: Dr. Bala, Peggy, Cheo & Kirti

A Special Visit to NTU-Gengkhis Khan

A Special Visit to NTU-Gengkhis Khan

@Cougars learning more about the world's Greatest conqueror - Gengkhis Khan, from a National Geographic speaker, Dr. Albert Lin, who shared his traveling experience with the Mongols. From left to right: Cheo, Hema, Dr. Albert Lin, Dr. Bala, Kirti & Chea Nuan

Talk on Gengkhis Khan

Talk on Gengkhis Khan

Cougars are special cause opportunities always happen. Opportunities like Gengkhis Khan and Shi Huang Di tomb explorer visit to NTU. Dr. Albert shared his experience of his visit to the Great King's supposed tomb at the Burkhan Khaldun mountain. From left to right: Cheo, Hema, Dr. Albert Lin, Dr. Bala, Kirti & Chea Nuan

Talk @NTU on Higgs Boson

Talk @NTU on Higgs Boson

Cougars always meet extraordinary people such as this great physics visitor @ NTU who talked about the Particle of GOD. From left to right: Dr. Bala & Higgs Boson Speaker.

Graduation Dinner 2016

Graduation Dinner 2016

Dr. Bala with the Ancients.

Learning Experience

Learning Experience

Cougars Cub, Eunice, learning about the history of Singapore!

Fun @Cougars

Fun @Cougars

Cougars having dinner with visiting professor, Prof Theodore J. Angelopoulos and visiting scholar, Zhong Pin (from left to right: Chea Nuan, Dr. Bala, Prof Ted, Kirti, Hema & Zhong Pin)

Fun @Cougars

Fun @Cougars

Cougars having some time to relax and spending time with a visiting professor, Prof Neil Armstrong (from left to right: Dr. Bala, Prof Neil, Kirti & Hema).

Scientific Conference

Scientific Conference

Always fun hanging out with Cougars~ (from left to right: Dr. Bala & Jing Jing).

Bubble Soccer

Bubble Soccer

Cougars know how to have fun too!

NASA's Lecture on Mars held at NTU

NASA's Lecture on Mars held at NTU

Another extraordinary visit to NTU by NASA's engineer, Kobie Boykins, who helped design the Mars rovers. Cougars are always lucky. From left to right: Jolene, Chea Nuan, Cheo, Dr. Bala, NASA Engineer, Kobie Boykins & Zhong Pin (Visiting scholar from Guangzhou, China).

NASA's Lecture on Mars held at NTU

NASA's Lecture on Mars held at NTU

Cougars learning about the Universe at NASA's lecture on Mars. From left to right: Chea Nuan, Dr. Bala & Jolene.

NASA's Lecture on Mars held at NTU

NASA's Lecture on Mars held at NTU

Dr. Bala holding Mars Rover wheels.

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