Cougars @ Singapore National Games & Shape Run 2018
Here are some updates from Cougars! At the recent Singapore National Games 2018, Darine Choo participated in the 800m and 1500m Women's...

Happy 53rd Birthday Singapore!
Wishing Singapore a very happy, peaceful and prosperous year ahead!

Cougars Cross Country 2018 Results and Photos are Up!
Congratulations to all our top 10 winners of each category, ALL our amazing runners and lucky draw winners! Championship records were...

Latest Updates! Less Than 1 Week to Cougars Cross Country 2018
Dear Athletes, Coaches and Teachers, Some important things to take note of before 14 July: 1) Last day for normal registration ($25) 13...

Early Bird Registration Ends Today, 30 June 2018, 2359HRS
Early bird registration for Cougars Cross Country 2018 ends today! Starting 1 July, registration fees will be at $25 per runner. Early...

Updates on Cougars Cross Country 2018
Cougars Cross Country 2018 * Top 3 winners of each category will receive cash prize (excluding U10 category) + Phiten vouchers + Cougars...