Volunteer Work @MOE Olive Run 2024
Successful MOE Olive run today. Occasion graced by Minister of Education (MOE), Minster Chan and other important personnel of MOE like Director General of Education and other important staff.
Another volunteer work by Prof Bala with a volunteer committee. And it’s the 14th year similar to Real Run of Home Team NS where he volunteered for approximately 16 years!
Next week is his 5th Cougars Cross Country race. Another volunteer organisation headed by him. Volunteering amidst his busy schedule of teaching, research service, organising conferences, and presenting his research work worldwide at various international conferences. This is truly a remarkable feat.
Volunteering is important for the conscience. Time seems to be immaterial to him as opposed to fulfilment of helping others get the joy of running and being healthy. A true mark of a human being.
Presenting at various international conferences is extraordinary! Well done Prof Bala! Growllllll! Where do you get the time and passion?
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